Our Christmas 2020 Chosen Charity is the Freddie Farmer Foundation
Each year we use what would have been our Christmas Card Budget to support a local charity. This year’s choice is the Freddie Farmer Foundation. We hope you might support it as well.
Who is Freddie Farmer?
Freddie Farmer was born at just 28 weeks with cerebral palsy, weighing only 2Ibs 12oz. His family began taking him three times a year to a centre 100 miles away for intensive physiotherapy involving specialist equipment. Freddie made great progress, though it became clear that a centre nearer home, in Bromley, would not only be better for him but also help many other youngsters with similar conditions.
Work began in 2011 with a campaign that raised £400,000 to set up the specialist Freddie Farmer Physiotherapy Centre for children and young people with cerebral palsy and mobility problems. It is one of only a handful of independent (i.e. non-NHS funded) UK therapy centres offering specialist equipment and therapeutic exercises for less-abled 3 to 16 year olds from across the South-east.
Today, two physiotherapists and two therapy assistants deliver subsidised intensive physiotherapy programmes.
Annual target
The charity requires £150,000 each year to maintain the facility and retain the services of its professional staff.
We hope that at this time of giving you could find a way to help Freddie and his friends. It’s easy to make donations via JustGiving or MoneyGiving, links are here on the Freddie Farmer Foundation website: https://www.freddiefarmerfoundation.org.uk/
Thank you and Happy Christmas from all at Murray Birrell.